Welcome to Hachi-Life!

If it's your first time at Hachi-Life, you can always start with the introduction post! We are in the process of getting everything set up and are trying to keep the posts coming in a predictable pattern, haha. If you are looking for anything in particular, try searching for the label!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hachiroku "Blogosphere"

Let me begin by saying that I spend a large portion of my day looking through AE86 Forums, blogs, Corolla build logs, and applicable automotive project articles. Unfortunately, the sites that I make a point to keep up with have been getting fewer and fewer recently, and not because I am lacking in interest. They just aren't posting anything new.

I know, it may seem petty, especially since my last post on this blog was back towards August 2010 way, but I expect more from established bloggers. When I wait 17 days for a new post from KeepDriftingFun, I expect more than "Oh hey, here's a new thing you can buy from us." I don't mind them advertising, because they have to pay for the gas and time somehow, but those shameless plugs are something you throw in as an appetizer or maybe a dessert... not the main course!

I start by checking back every 10-12 hours, and after a few days I may only check once in the morning, and then after a week maybe every other day, and then bi-weekly, and soon I've forgotten about a blog completely!

Once I stopped posting here consistently, I even forget about my own blogs!

Even Hachiroku.com.au, a blog who has a mission statement describing their commitment to day-to-day posting, has yet to post anything since the end of last December.

It's a strange feeling, like all of a sudden being stranded on the Moon with no one to talk to. But I digress...

It's really made me rethink my own commitment to this blog, especially with the redesigned website, storefront, blog...front. You know. Hachi-Life could be so much more to people... originally I just planned on using it to store article links, video links, forum links... you know LINKS. Links to things I didn't want to forget or lose.

Like this link to a video of a car club in Chicago, Risky Devils, doing some street drifting around a mostly abandoned industrial district. Not that the guys in the video are particularly articulate, and even partake in what I can only call douche-baggery towards the end, it is still such a good video of guys going out and having fun. Just sliding around. And, if you are wondering what the music in the video is, the song that begins at the wreck is BBU - BB WHO!!!, and the rap song with the heavy bass-line is Dom Kennedy - Menace Beach.

BOOM! Just like that I saved a video, a car club blog, and two decent pieces of music that are definitely going to make their ways onto future driving playlists. And maybe it wasn't related to Hachiroku's exactly, but it's still cool by association. (And if you go halfway down the first blog page of Risky Devils, you'll see a sweet 20v rippin' up a track day!)

So while we may have just entered Fe-Brew-ary, I'm going to make my resolution for 2011 to post more often and more meaningfully here on Hachi-Life. I vow to finish the site, complete my product population in the store, and actually create something worth investing the time into.

Until next time,

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